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Teaching Plan

During my stay in SD Muhammadiyah Kleco Unit 1, 2 and 3, I was not required to make the lesson plan of Indonesia. I was required to make the lesson plan of my university, Ateneo de Naga University. However since there are no SPED Classes in SD Muhammadiyah Kleco, so, I taught English subject in general education. During my stay, I use the format of our university. Our lesson plan consists of five parts: learning objectives, learning content, learning experiences, evaluation and assignment. In all of my lesson plan, I used the method of 4A's. Activity, analysis, application and abstraction. The process starts with activating students prior knowledge and also captivates their attention and interests so that they can listen attentively to the lesson at hand. Next is where I will discuss the lesson and the students will get a more in-depth knowledge about the topic. The next process is where I will ask the students questions about the lesson and will clarify if there are any misconceptions of the topic given. Lastly, I will give them exercises to improve their understanding of the lesson.



In SD Muhhamadiyah Kleco, they use the curriculum of Indonesia wherein it is focused on the achievement of different competencies on each subject. But, during my teaching at the school, I haven't seen a hard copy of their Kurikulum 13 because Miss Layli gave me a table of the topics I am going to teach for the three weeks I'm going to teach. Thankfully, she gave the lessons with the needed goals to be achieved. 

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