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Summary and Suggestions

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and SD Muhammadiyah Kleco has been very hospitable and has catered all our needs during our stay in Indonesia. They let us experienced the culture in Indonesia; from making batik up to playing the traditional instrument, angklung. UAD also toured us around to different places such as Malioboro, Prambanan Temple, Taman Sari and when we were under the care of SD Muhammadiyah Kleco, we went to beaches that can relax our mind from the stress of the city. 


The sea-teacher participants in UAD are very thankful for the buddies that were assigned to us because they were just one call away and they would go to our house whenever we needed them. Since each of them has a motorcycle, our trip at Jogjakarta has been smooth and there were no issues that were faced. Our boarding house has two caretakers in which we considered our mother and sister in Indonesia. They gave us access to all the appliances inside the house.


I only have one suggestion to both of our receiving schools. First, for UAD, I hope that they would limit the activities during Saturday or Sunday because the participants from sea-teach teaches from Monday to Friday. They also need rest and a time for relaxation just inside the house. For SD Muhammadiya Kleco, I hope that we will be assigned in a class wherein there's 50% students in the class who can speak in English because the problem is really the language barrier. 


Overall, my experience in Indonesia had been meaningful, productive and helpful. I will surely use all of my learning that I have gained in Indonesia when I am already teaching in the Philippines or any country that I will go to. 



Terima Kasih!

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